Saturday, June 30, 2012

Terry Kennedy Giveaway

TK all day, son! LBC’s finest is swagged out of his brain with fly gear on the regular, and luckily, now Terry’s kit can be all yours for the low, low price of free. Here’s what you gotta do to win this ridiculously massive box of product from Baker, Supra, KR3W, Fly Society, Gold Wheels, Venture, Shake Junt, Brigada Sunglasses, and Markisa:

Design a Fly Society logo. Terry’s clothing line is growing by leaps and bounds, season after season, so what are the designers constantly racking their brains for? You guessed it—mad, ill, new Fly Society logos! So fire up your Photoshop/Illustrator skills, or just bust out colored pencils, markers, and paper and make that new FS logo! We’re going to film Terry himself and the Fly Society designers pick the winner, so bring your A game!

Email your digital entries (low res, 72 dpi) to with “TK Payday” in the subject line, or
snail mail your physical entries to:
TK Payday c/o TransWorld SKATEboarding
2052 Corte Del Nogal suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92o11
Deadline for all entries is July 26, 2012

Source: Transworld


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