Converse Jack Purcell Duck Camo

Available now but only through select CONVERSE accounts worldwide.

Cashletes 2012 Summer T-Shirts

Cashletes presents their 2012 summer tees.

HUF 10th Anniversary Photo Tee Series By Tobin Yelland

HUF continues to celebrate their 10 year anniversary

Actual Pain 2012 Summer T-Shirts

Seattle based Actual Pain presents their summer tees titled 'Sympathy For The Gods.'

Markisa 2012 Summer Video

Markisa showcases their new 2012 summer line through this video.

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Direction

I will be taking the blog in a new direction starting today. I will mostly be posting about clothing I have bought from & as well as other sites and brands. I will be reviewing and showing you guys stuff from different brands such as SSUR, Supreme, FUCT, HUF, Black Scale, Rocksmith, Freshjive, Stussy etc so please come back everyday for new updates. Please know that I will also be conducting 2 monthly giveaways and a daily plndr giveaway. Check out the links to see how you can be entered to win.